Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/798

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addition to portraits of the Prin- cess of Wales and sons, portraits of many of the leading clergy of the day. Major Mercier has re- ceived testimonials from members of the Auxiliary Forces expressive of admiration for the manner in which he conducted the Volunteer visits to Belgium and France ; and in 1877, a purse of sovereigns, a clock, and an illuminated address from a number of subscribers, on retiring from the Hospital Satur- day Fund, which was founded by him; and in connection with the same movement, one from the work- ing men of Southwark. Major Mercier is Treasurer of St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, and has taken a prominent part in the x>olitical questions of the day.

MEREDITH, GBOBaB, novelist, bom in Hampshire, abgut 1828, and educated partly in Germany, was brought up to the law, which he quitted for literature. He has writ- ten "Poems," 1851 ; "The Shaving of Shagpat, an Arabian Entertain- ment," a burlesque prose poem, 1855; "Farina, a Legend of Co- logne," 1857 J "The Ordeal of Richard Feveril," a philosophical novel, bearing upon the more serious questions of moral education, 1859 ; "Evan Harrington," a serial tale of modern life, first printed in Orice a Week, and republished in a sepa- rate form, 1861 j " Modern Love : Poems and Ballads," 1862 j "Emilia in England," 1864; "Rhoda Flem- ing," 1865; "Vittoria," 1866; "The Adventures of Harry Rich- mond," 1871; "The Egoist," a novel, 3 vols., 1879; "The Tragic Comedians," 2 vols., 1881, a novel founded on the life and tragic fate of Ferdinand Lassalle, the German socialist; and "Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth," 1883.

MEREDITH, Mbs. Louisa, whose maiden name was Miss Louisa Twamley, was born at Bir- mingham in 1812, where she was brought up carefully by her mother. At first she determined to devote

herself to artistic studies ; but pub- lished, at the age of twenty, a volume of " Poems," illustrated by herself. Encouraged by its success, she wrote her " Romance of Nature, or the Flower Seasons Illustrated," a iwetical work, illustrated with plates engraved and coloured after her own designs. In 1836 she con- tributed some illustrated poems to a volume of coloured groups of flowers, entitled "Flora's Gems," and wrote the first half of a narra- tive of a tour in South Wales, under the title of " Roscoe's Wan- derings in South Wales and along the River Wye." Her "Autumn Rambles on the Wye," with illus- trations by David Cox, and " Our Wild Flowers Described," appeared in 1839, in which year she was married to her cousin, Mr. C. Meredith, whom she accompanied to Sydney. After residing there for a year they removed to Tas- mania, where she wrote "Notes and Sketches of New South Wales," a narrative of her voyage out, and of her fljpst impressions of the colony, which appeiured in "Murray's Home and Colonial Library." "My Home in Tasmania," illustrated by sketches from her own pencil, and that of the bishop (Dr. Nixon), appeared in 1852-3 ; " Some of my Bush Friends in Tasmania," in 1859 ; an. account of a visit paid to Victoria and Melbourne in 1866, under the title of " Over the Straits, a Visit to Victoria ;" and " Loved and Lost," told in gossip verse, and illustrated by her own pencil, in 1860. Her husband has been a member for the coimty of Glamor- gan in the local House of Assembly, and was for some time Colonial Treasurer of Tasmania.

MERIVALE, The Vbry Rev. Chables, D.D., son of the late John H. Merivale, Esq., of Barton Place, Devon, and brother of the late Mr. Herman Merivale, born in 1808, was educated at Harrow, Hailey- bury, and St. John's College, Cam- I bridge, of which he was successively