Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/972

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Josef (Commander) of Austria, and the Order of St. Sauvenr. On his return to England from the Crimea he received the degree of LL.D from the University of Dublin. Of the first edition of lus "Letters from the Crimea/' published in 1855-6, upwards of 20,000 copies were sold at once. An enlarged edition, published in 1857, and partly re- written, had also a very large sale. His " Diary in India'* went through four editions very speedily ; and " My Diary North and South," con- taining his experiences of the United States during the Civil War, was equally successful. He has also written a sequel to the latter; "Canada: its Defences;" a treatise on " Eifle Clubs and Volunteer Corps/* at the very out- set of the movement, in which he insisted on the futility of the former and the value of the latter organiz- ations ; an accotmt of " The Great Eastern and the Atlantic Cable ; " a volume de luxe, entitled the "Wed- ding at Windsor;" a novel entitled "The Adventures of Dr. Brady;" "My Diary in the East/' giving an account of the voyage of the Prince and Princess of Wales in Egypt, their visit to Turkey, to the Crimea, to Athens, and Corfu, in which he accompanied their Royal Highnesses ; " My Diary in the liast Great War," which contains the personal narrative of the writer's life whilst he was attached to the Crown Prince's staff; and "The Prince of Wales's Tour in India," 1877. He has also con- tributed largely to periodical litera- ture, and to the columns of the Timea, as well as to those of his own paper. Mr. Russell unsuccess- f ally contested Chelsea in the Con- servative interest in 1869; and conducted the preliminary negotia- tions, and arranged for tiie found- ing, of the Daily Express, the Dublin organ of the Irish Conservatives. He published in 1882 "Hespero- then: Notes from the West" (2 Tols.), being a narrative of his

experience as a companion of the Duke of Sutherland in his trip across the North American con- tinent.

RUSSIAS, Emperor and Auto- crat OP ALL THE. (See Alexan- der III.)

RUTLAND (Duke of), Charles Cecil John Manners, K.G., eldest son of the late duke, born May IG, 1815, and educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge ; is honorary Colonel of the Leicester- shire Militia, and Lord-Lieutenant of that county. As Marquis of Granby he was one of the members in the Conservative interest for Stamford from Aug., 1837, till July, 1852, when he was returned for North Leicestershire, which he con- tinued to represent till he succeeded his father in the dukedom, Jan. 20, 1857. He opposed the Free Trade Measures of Sir Robert Peel in 1845-6, and it is understood that the leadership of the Conservative party in the Lower House was offered to him on the death of Xord G. Ben- tinck. His Grace, who was Lord of the Bedchamber to the late Prince Albert from 1843 till 1846, was made a Knight of the Garter, Feb. 15, 1867.

RYAN, The Rioht Rev. Vincent William, D.D., son of the late Mr. John Ryan, an officer of a regiment of the line, was born about 1816, and educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford (B.A. 1840, M.A. 1848). Having held a small cure in one of the Channel Islands, he became suc- cessively head of the Liverpool Institution, Principal of the Train- ing College at Highbury, and in 1854 Bishop of the newly-founded see of Mauritius, which includes that island and its dependencies. He resigned his see in 1868, and returning to England, held the rectory of St. Nicholas, Guildford, from Feb., 1869, to May, 1870, when he was presented to the vicarage of Bradford. Dr. Ryan was Archdea- con of Craven from April, 1875, till 1880, when he was presented to the