Page:Mendel's principles of heredity; a defence.pdf/17

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the revered name of Francis Galton, or under the high sponsorship of Karl Pearson. I yield to no one in admiration of the genius of these men. Never can we sufficiently regret that those great intellects were not trained in the profession of the naturalist. Mr Galton suggested that the new scientific firm should have a mathematician and a biologist as partners, and—soundest advice—a logician retained as consultant[1]. Biologist surely must one partner be, but it will never do to have him sleeping. In many well-regulated occupations there are persons known as "knockers-up," whose thankless task it is to rouse others from their slumber, and tell them work-time is come round again. That part I am venturing to play this morning, and if I have knocked a trifle loud, it is because there is need.

March, 1902.

  1. Biometrika, i. Pt. 1. p. 5.