Page:Mennonite Handbook of Information 1925.djvu/139

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now invoked to speak His will through the brethren. The vote was then taken which resulted in almost unanimously declaring in favor of a General Conference.

The plans outlined by which the General Conference was to be governed and its business carried on was to the effect that it should be composed of delegates from all district conferences and congregations who are in harmony with the Eighteen Articles of the Confession of Faith adopted by the Conference of Mennonites held at Dort, Holland, in the year 1632, and who agree with and are in harmony with the doctrines, teachings, ordinances, and rules of order maintained and practiced by the sixteen district conferences of the United States and Canada.

The following table shows time and place where each meeting was held, number of bishops, ministers and deacons with names of moderators and secretaries who attended and served. The table includes the Preliminary Meeting and also the place where the session of 1925 is expected to convene.