Page:Mennonite Handbook of Information 1925.djvu/40

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literary scope, should be able to collect and maintain a large and very valuable library. It is a matter of regret that this work has so long been neglected. Much valuable material has been permitted to be lost. In other countries, notably in Holland, the collection of important source material was begun many generations ago. The archives of the Mennonites of that country contain treasures which are of incalculable value.

A large collection of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc., has already been obtained by donation and purchase of works that were published in Europe and in America. Of the best and largest three collections of Mennonite literature in America the Mennonite Publishing House has recently acquired by purchase one of the three, a long time the property of Bro. John F. Funk, Elkhart, Indiana.

A Library Fund has been authorized with a view of securing books and manuscripts essential to the study of Menonite history. The Library is located in the fireproof building of the Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, Pa.

It is the duty of the Historical Committee to collect all material bearing on the history of the Church past and present, for preservation in the archives of the Church. Brother John Horsch, as the custodian of the library, deserves special credit for both the collection and care of the books and manuscripts now in hand.

General Sunday School Committee

This committee was organized in the year 1917 tinder the direction of General Conference. The