Page:Merman & mermaid, grand operatic phantasmagoria.djvu/14

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(Grand Operatic Phantasmagoria)

Act II — Scene 2.

Their boat, which, after having entered a river, passed through a mountain from the Submarine World into a new world called "The Vapor World."

Here they are questioned by King Reignall, ruler of Supreme. (Spirits.)

The bodies lost at sea, only their spirits can enter this Vapor World.

Owondlo and Fleehion breathe through their nostrils now, and anchor their boat. King Reignall summons his spiritual staff and they lead Owondlo and Fleehion to the Spiritual Dungeon, where their lives are threatened. Their parents see Owondlo and Fleehion while they sleep; and when they awaken converse with them.

Then suddenly King Reignall appears and condemns their parents (spirits) to be banished into the Spiritual Dungeon forever. They plead. Then Owondlo and Fleehion flee from the Spiritual Dungeon, which is made of vapor, created by the Supreme Being.

The vapor walls of the Spiritual Dungeon were strong enough to permit Owondlo and Fleehion to rest on, but now they have to keep moving or else drop into depths unknown. Now Owondlo and Fleehion tell King Reignall that they will tear the Spiritual Dungeon apart and destroy it forever. Thereupon God appears and warns Owondlo and Fleehion to be careful.

King Reignall, surprised, summons his army of spirits, commanding Owondlo and Fleehion to leave this sacred sphere. They refuse to leave, and tell King Reignall to release their parents (spirits) from within their confounded dungeon.