Page:Merman & mermaid, grand operatic phantasmagoria.djvu/27

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(Grand Operatic Phantasmagoria)


(Loud rumbling noise. Puts ring on his finger. Owondlo is nervous. Fish comes with mouth open.)

Ah ! that diamond ring,
That noise, some fish !
Behold! 'tis a fish.
Just let him come this way.
I will prepare to slay.
Great magic! One good stroke.

(Mermaid issues out of place where Owondlo struck his sword)

(For a short time Owondlo is dumfounded)

(He soon seizes the Mermaid in his arms)


(Appears with scepter in hand)

I name thee Fleehion.
Thrice blessed art thou,
The rarest daughter
Of my Kingdom.
Owondlo ! thou shalt have thy ways
Protect her from all enemies.

End of Act I.