Page:Merry frolicks, or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket.pdf/16

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was, to mend the frolic. The vintner being as well pleaſed with the conceit as any of them filled his pockets and went along with them.

When they were come to the place, after paſſing ſome compliments, they ſat down, and Swalpo delivering the coat, cloak, and beaver, they deſired him to give them an account of all the rogueries that he and his comrades had committed, which he did freely; and as for what he told them, and the other tricks he hewed them at that time, not having room here to relate them. we muſt refer them to a ſecond part, if this meets with encouragement. But the nobleman and gentry conſidering, that when all was done, honeſty is the beſt policy, told Swalpo, that it was a great pity that ſo much wit and courage ſhould be ſo ill employed, and that if he would alter his courſe of life, he had now an opportunity to do it. He anſwered them, he was very ſenſible of what they ſaid, and gave them hearty thanks.

Well, ſays the nobleman, I have a place of a hundred a year, if that will ſatisfy you, you ſhall have it. Swalpo thanked him with great reverance, and when the frolic was over, went along with the nobleman, and proving a very honeſt man, married to great advantage, and lived happily and in great eſteen with the gentry of the country.