Page:Merry frolicks, or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket.pdf/22

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lord was, comes in and tells them that the two rogues who had cheated them were in ſafe cuſtody in his houſe, and if they pleaſed to walk over, they ſhould ſee them, and drink out of their own tankard, and each their ſhare of the pheaſants. Fearing no more danger, they joyfully went over the way to their neighbour's houſe, where the gentlemen were juſt going to dine, but the(illegible text) wondered what was the meaning of the rogues ſitting at table with them, and eſpecially clowniſh Roger, whom they had for jeſts lake, ſet at the head of the table, with his hat on, whereas all the reſt were uncovered The lady not enquiring into the meaning of all this, was a little uneaſy at the ſight of them that put ſo great an affront and abuſe upon her, but ſhe was wonderfully ſatisfied when one of the company told her all from the beginning to the end. Never was a dinner more merrily eaten than that was.


THE dinner was exceeding rich, attended with the choiceſt wines of France, Germany, Italy, and Portugal. Roger uſually put in with a comical proverb or ſ(illegible text) blunder. One of the company telling him
