Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (1).pdf/4

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4 "The MERRY TALES of the and ſtill kept riding upon his horſe till he arrived at the end of his journey. Now I will leave you to judge, which was thy wiſeſt, his horſe or himſelf TALE III. On a time the men of Gotham fain would have pinn'd in the cuckow, that ſhe might ſing all the year; and in the midſt of the town, they had, a hedge made round in compaſs, and got a cuc- kow and put her into it, and ſaid, Sing here, and ye, ſhall neither lack meat nor drink all the year. The cuckow, when ſhe perceiv'd herſelf encompaſſed within the hedge, flew away. A venge- ance on her, ſaid theſe wife men, we did not make our hedge high enough. TALE IV. THERE was a man of Gotham who went to Nottingham-market to fell cheeſe and going down the hill to Nottingham-bridge, one of his cheeſes fell out of his wallet, and ran down the hill. Who reſon, ſaid the fellow, what, can you run to the market alone? I'll now ſend one after anorher. Then laying his wallet down, taking out the cheeſes he tumbled them down the hill, one after another. Some ran into one