Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/22

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( 22 ) An Irifhman being afked,whether he or his brother were oldest ? I am oldest, faid he, but if my brother live hree years longer, we fhall be both of one age. An Irifh fervant being ftruck by his nafter, cried out, Devil take me, if I m certain whether he has kill’d me or not; but if I am dead it will afford he great fatisfaction, to hear the old ogue was hanged for killing me, A deaf fellow coming to London, to ell a turkey, at Hyde-park-Corner, had, ccafion to untrufs a point; a gentleman affing by, intended to put a joke up- on him ; Countryman, faid he, there’s . turd under you; the man thinking e afked the price of his turkey,faid, our fhillings, mafter. I fay there’s a turd under you, faid the other. It is as good one as you ever did ate in your life, did the fellow, either baked or roaft- d. You rafcal, faid he,Icould find n my heart to kick you foundly.— Come chufe, fays the fellow,for if you won’t another will, One being at his wife’s funeral, and he bearers going pretty quick along he cried out to them, Don’t go fo faft,