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( 3 ) nt they fhall not, faid the one.Then d the other, it thou make much ado, will put my huger in thy mouth.A rd thou wilt, faid the other. And as ey were in contention, another wife an that belonged to Gotham, came m the market with a fack of meal his horfe ; and feeing his neighbours ftrife about fheep, and none betwixt em, faid he, Ah ! fools, will you ne- learn wit!then help me. conti- ed he, to lay this fack upon my fhoul- r.They did fo and he went to the e of the bridge, and fhook out theu al into the river, faying, how much. al is there in my fack, neigbours ? rry, faid one, none.Indeed, repli- this wife man, even fo much wit is re is in your two heads, to ftrive for t you have not.—Now, which was wifeft of thefe three! I leave you udge. TALE II. THERE was a man of Gotham that e to the market with two bufhels of eat, and becaufe his horfe fhould be damaged by carriyng too great urden, he was determined to carry corn himfelf upon his own neck,