Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/6

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( 6 ) thou fhalt ftand ftill for me,The ma of Gotham feeing that his trivot would not move, Stand ftill, faid he,in the mayor’s name, and follow me if the wilt,and I can fhow you the right way. When he went home, his wife afked him where the trivot was ? He faid, it had three legs and he had bo two, and he had taught him the read way to his houfe; therefore he might come himfelf if he would. Where did you leave the trivot, faid the woman At Gotham bridge, faid he So fhe im mediately ran and fetched the trivot herfelf, or otherwife fhe muft certainly have loft it, on account of her hufband’ want of wit. TALE III. A certain fmIth of Gotham had A large wafp’s nefT among the ftraw at the end of his forge, and their coming in one of his neighbours to have his horle fhoed, and the wafps being exceeding bufy, the man was flung by one ob them. The man, being grievoyfly af- fronted, faid, Are you worthy to keep a forge or not, to have men ftung with thefe wafps? 0! neighbour, faid the fmith, be content, and I fhall put them