Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/100

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Provided however that should no law be passed by Congress for suspending the said article before the 4th day of March 1805, then the Consent of the people of this Territory hereby given shall be void and of no effect. [See Nov. 22, above]

Done at Vincennes in the Indiana Territory the twenty-fifth day of December one thousand Eight hundred and two, and in the twenty-seventh year of the Independence of the United States.

By order of the Convention.

Willm Henry Harrison,

President & Delegate from the County of Knox

Teste: Jno. Rice Jones,


Petition of the Vincennes Convention

December 28, 1802

Indiana Historical Society Publications, II, 461

That nine-tenths of your memorialists being of opinion, that the sixth article of Compact contained in the ordinance for the Government of the Territory has been extremely prejudicial to their Interest and welfare, requested the Governor by petitions from each of the several counties to call a general convention of the Territory for the purpose of taking the sense of the whole People by their Representatives on a subject to them so interesting and of afterwards taking such measures as to them might seem meet by petition to your honorable Bodies not only for obtaining the repeal or suspension of the said article of Compact but also for that of representing and Petitioning for the passage of such other Laws as would in the opinion of the Convention be conducive to the general welfare, population and happiness of this distant and unrepresented portion of the United States.

This convention is now sitting at Vincennes and have agreed to make the following representations to the Congress of the United States, not in the least doubting but that everything they can desire (not prejudicial to the Constitution or to the Interest of the General Government) will readily be granted them.

The Sixth article of Compact between the United States