Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/637

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Harrison to Secretary of War

Camp on the Wabash 65 miles from Vincennes,

October 6, 1811

Har. Pa. 491-493


I have the Honor to inform you of the arrival of the Troops under my command at this place on the 2nd Inst. The regular Troops stood the march surprisingly well. There are a good many sick but most of them of very slight complaints and there is not an individual who can be called ill. I have reconnoitred the country nearly to the boundary line and have fixed upon this as the most eligible situation for a fort. The timber is now preparing and it will be finished with all possible dispatch. We have as yet seen no Indians. Those excepted who were at Vincennes previously to the commencement of our march. I expect a deputation from the Prophets Town in five or six days. If I do not I shall send one to him and make a movement with the Troops in that direction. Those scoundrels have been again plundering our citizens. They took eight horses from a detached settlement in the Illinois Territory about thirty miles above Vincennes nine or ten days ago in open day light. I sincerely wish that my instructions were such as to authorise me to march immediately to the Prophets Town. The Troops which I command are a fine body of men and the proportion of Regulars, Irregulars, Infantry and Dragoons such as I could wish it. I have no reason to doubt the issue of a contest with the savages and I am much deceived if the greater part of both officers and men are not desirous of coming in contact with them. I bear constantly in mind your injunctions on the subject of the return of the 4th Regiment to Pittsburg this winter. I fear however that the thing is Impracticable. Both men and officers (the colonel excepted) are extremely desirous to winter in this Territory, and if they have not time to reach Pittsburgh before the Freezing of the Ohio it certainly would be advisable, rather than to occupy any intermediate point upon the Ohio when they could do no manner of service. This Regiment is in great want of clothing. It arrived at Newport shortly after the departure of the Regiment from there. Col. Boyd consulted me upon the subject of the orders to be given respecting it and I recommended that it should be sent to the mouth of