Page:Messianic Prophecies - Delitzsch - 1880.djvu/11

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When, at the earnest solicitation of my friend Professor Curtiss, I consented that he should translate my lectures on the Messianic Prophecies, held in the Winter of 1879—1880, as a basis for his instruction, I was compelled to refer him to the notes of one of my students, since the course received its present form in the process of delivery. Hence I beg those, into whose hands these pages may fall, to remember that much bears the accidental impress of the moment and that the whole is only made public at the urgent request of a friend.

Leipzig, July 10, 1880.



This translation has arisen from a desire to furnish my students with a good hand-book for the study of the Messianic Prophecies. During the few weeks, at command for translation and printing, my attention was directed rather to a careful reproduction of the thought than to rhetorical finish. While the last sheet was being prepared for the press it was suggested that it might be well to give this work a wider circulation than was at first contemplated, I trust therefore that critics will generously forgive any infelicities of style or inaccuracies of expression. It is hoped that students of the Bible may derive great profit from these lectures, which Professor Delitzsch, after much persuasion, has so kindly surrendered for the use of his many friends.

Leipzig, July 10, 1880.