Page:Metaphysics by Aristotle Ross 1908 (deannotated).djvu/129

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'Being in something' has similar and corresponding meanings to 'holding' or 'having'.

Chapter 24

'To come from something' means (1) to come from something as from matter, and this in two senses, either in respect of the highest genus or in respect of the lowest species, e.g. in a sense all things that can be melted come from water, but in a sense the statue comes from bronze. — (2) As from the first moving principle, e.g. the fight comes from abusive language,[1] because this is the source of the fight. — (3) From the compound of matter and shape, as the parts come from the whole and the verse from the Iliad and the stones from the house; <the stones are to the house as part to whole,> for arrangement as a house is their end, and only that which attains an end is complete. — (4) As the form from its part, e.g. man from 'two-footed' and syllable from 'letter'; for this is a different sense from that in which the statue comes from bronze; for the composite substance comes from the sensible matter, but the form also comes from the matter of the form. — These, then, are some of the meanings of 'coming from something', but sometimes (5) one of these senses is applicable only to part of a whole, e.g. the child comes from its father and mother and plants come from the earth, because they come from a part of those things. — (6) It means coming after a thing in time, e.g. night comes from day and storm from fine weather, because the one comes after the other. Of these things some are so described because they admit of change into one another, as in the cases now mentioned; some merely because they are successive in time, e.g. the voyage took place 'from' the equinox, because it took place after the equinox, and the Thargelia come 'from' the Dionysia, because after the Dionysia.

Chapter 25

'Part' means (1) that into which a quantity can in any way be divided; for that which is taken from a quantity qua

  1. 1023a 30 read οἷον ἐκ τῆς λοιδορίας ἡ μάχη.