Page:Mexican Archæology.djvu/20

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figure page
74. Section of typical Yucatec building 323
75. Examples of Maya buildings 325
76. Ground-plans and elevations of Maya temples 327
77. Section through the Temple of the Cross, Palenque 329
78. Plans of building at Santa Rosa Xlabpak 330
79. Detail of fresco at Santa Rita 335
80. Details of frescoes at Santa Rita and Mitla 336
81. Stone altar at Copan 339
82. Relief, Temple of the Sun, Palenque 344
83. The "Monjas," Chichen Itza 347
84. Caryatid figure, Chichen Itza 348
85. Stone gargoyle, Copan 353
86. Details from various monuments, showing the interlaced head-ornament 357
87. Stone relief at Chichen Itza 367
Map of the Valley of Mexico (Fig. l) 13
Linguistic Map of Maya Tribes (Fig. 45) 201
Mexico and Central America Folder at end