Page:Mexican Archæology.djvu/272

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points of similarity in their migration legends, and also from the highly important fact that they used the bow, a weapon which was unknown to the Tutul Xiu until a later date. From these considerations, and also from the evidence afforded by the short list of kings which the legends of these.tribes furnish, one feels inclined to regard the Tulan from which they started as the region ruled by the Toltec of the Mexican valley, and to conjecture that the Tulan Zuiva with which Nonoual was connected, was perhaps one of the now ruined sites in the Usumacinta basin. The association of the word Zuiva with the original Tulan in the Quiché account may be due to one of two causes. It may on the one hand be the result of confusion, or on the other it is possible that "Tulan" and "Zuiva" may be the same name but belong to different dialects. The question which Tulan gave the name to the other is more complex, and can only be decided after the date of these ruins has been discussed, but it may be mentioned that there is nothing inherently impossible in the suggestion that one of the Usumacinta sites may have been named Tulan, for we do not know the original names of any of them. The net result of a comparison of the migration legends which we possess is therefore as follows. The Quiché and Kakchiquel appear to have been closely connected throughout, and the Tutul Xiu show little trace of connection with either. The former two tribes seem to have been brought into contact with the later Nahua,while the Tutul Xiu were not, and the Tulan from which the Tutul Xiu migration started was not the Tulan which the Quiché and Kakchiquel regarded as their original home, though it is possible that the two were intimately connected. The first stage of Quiché and Kakchiquel migration seems to have been from west to east, through those districts which, from Tuxpan to Tabasco, were regarded as the daughter-states of the Mexican Tulan, and their route, or at any rate some