Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/101

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When one is in Mexico one must do as the Mexicans do! One must shout "Long live Pelaez!" when one is in his territory.

It is a safe policy anyway always to be Mexican to a Mexican. I was lunching one day with an American official who had been sent into this country to meet the various factions. He told me the difficulties he had in being Mexican, but he said it paid him, and he cited the following instance:

He was in a small coast town, where he called to pay his respects to the governor. He desired a friendly talk and knew the best place would be about a banquet table, so he invited the general and his staff to dinner. The officer was bashful. That, indeed, was unusual. The general sent word that while he would enjoy lunching with American officers he was compelled to excuse himself because he had not been trained to dine with such high personages! The American and his staff were shocked upon finding a general who did not proclaim hourly what a great, accomplished gentleman he was even if, two years ago, he was a night watchman in Vera Cruz. The Americans urged the general to come, and he did.

Before the guests arrived the visitors held a conference and the chief said:

"General Blank, commander of the State of Blank, is coming to dinner to-night. I want every one of you gentlemen to take your table manners from him. If he eats soup with tortillas, chicken