Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/15

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Mexico's Dilemma has three horns.

They are: 1. Financial ruin of Mexico and internal disorders unless a loan is obtained. 2. The possibility of subjugation to German influence with all of its liability for external strife. 3. Cooperation with the United States, England, France and America.

What will Mexico do?

The answer is one which future events will determine. In this book the author has tried to tell what forces and influences are sharpening each of the three horns. There are bandits, disloyal Mexicans, ambitious officials, patriotic citizens, honest business men, Teutonic intriguers, spies, propagandists, diplomats, millionaires, army officers and I. W. W. firebrands at work. Is it any wonder, then, that Mexico finds herself in such a Dilemma?

Mexico has always been a home and workshop for foreigners. Several thousand years ago the Chinese settled in that country and, judging from the relics which are found to-day, in and about Mexico City, Chinese civilisation flourished there for a few hundred years. Terra cotta relics are found showing an unmistakable Mongolian type
