Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/180

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obtain the indispensable amount of money. The "modus operandi" of the investment of the necessary sums, the preferred-claim nature that will be given to the required moneys advanced, and the further details and conditions of the expenditure of the money, are secondary questions which cannot be decided until the Government can dispose of the sums to which I have referred.

For the foregoing-reasons, the Executive of the Union asks for the passage of the following DECREE by the General Congress:


SOLE ARTICLE:—The Executive of the Union is authorised to charge the credit of the State up to the sum of 50,000,000 pesos, destined to the repair of track, replacement of equipment and the reorganisation of the services of the National Railways of Mexico Company, it being understood that the Executive shall submit to the General Congress in advance the bases of the contracts he may make and the investment of the loan he shall obtain.

Mexico, July 9, 1917.