Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/258

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shall observe the conduct of their judges, listen to any complaint presented against them and perform all such other acts as the law may require. The Supreme Court shall appoint and remove at will its clerk of the court and other employees on the roster established by law. The Circuit and District Judges shall likewise appoint and remove at will their respective clerks and employees.

The Supreme Court shall choose each year one of its members to act as Chief Justice, with the right of re-election.

Each Justice of the Supreme Court on assuming office shall make an affirmation before Congress, or if this is in recess, before the Permanent Committee, as follows:

The Presiding Officer shall say: "Do you promise to perform faithfully and conscientiously the duties of Justice of the Supreme Court with which you have been charged, and to defend and enforce the Constitution of the United States of Mexico and the laws arising thereunder, having ever in mind the welfare and prosperity of the Nation!" To which the Justice shall reply, "I do." On which the Presiding Officer shall answer: "If you fail to do so, may the Nation call you to account."

The Circuit and District Judges shall make the affirmation of office before the Supreme Court or before such other authority as the law may determine.