Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/264

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protest entered against the denial of reparation, and provided further that if committed in first instance it shall have been invoked in second instance as a violation of the law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the Supreme Court may in penal cases waive any defects in the petition when there has been a manifest violation of the law which has left the petitioner without recourse, or when he has been tried by a law not strictly applicable to the case, provided failure to take advantage of this violation has been merely an oversight.

III. In civil or penal suits the writ of "amparo" shall issue only if substantial portions of the rules of procedure have been violated, and provided further that the said violation shall deprive the petitioner of means of defense.

IV. In addition to the case mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, the writ of "amparo" shall issue only on a final judgment in a civil suit,—provided the requirements set forth in Clause II hereof have been complied with,—when the judgment shall be contrary to the letter of the law applicable to the case or contrary to its legal interpretation, when it includes persons, actions, defenses, or things which have not been the object of the suit, or finally when all these have not been included either through omission or express refusal.

When the writ of "amparo" is sought against mesne judgments, in accordance with the provi-