Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/267

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which shall be pronounced at the same hearing. The judgment of the District Court shall be final, if the interested parties do not appeal to the Supreme Court within the period set by law and in the manner prescribed by Clause VIII.

In case of a violation of the guarantees of Articles 16, 19 and 20, recourse shall be had through the appellate court of the court committing the breach or to the corresponding District Court. An appeal against the decision of any of these courts may be taken to the Supreme Court.

If the district judge shall not reside in the same locality as the official guilty of the violation, the judge before whom the petition of "amparo" shall be submitted shall be determined by law; this judge shall be authorized to suspend temporarily the execution of the act protested, in accordance with the terms established by law.

X. Any official failing to suspend the execution of the act protested, when in duty bound to do so, or when he admits an insufficient or improper bond, shall be turned over to the proper authorities; the civil and penal liability of the official shall in these cases be a joint liability with the person offering the bond and his surety.

XI. If after the granting of an "amparo," the guilty official shall persist in the act or acts against which the petition of "amparo" was filed, or shall seek to render of no effect the judgment of the Federal authority, he shall be forthwith