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I RENE E. JEROME'S . . . . 1 ..,'. = . ^RT BOOKS THE "PERPETUAL PLEASURE" SERIES '• The sketches are such as the most famous men of the country might be proud to own. They are original, strong, and impressive, even the lightest of them ; and their variety, liite a procession of Nature, is a perpetual pleasure." A BUNCH OF VIOLETS. Original illustrations, engraved on wood and printed under the direction of Geokge T. Andkf.w. 410, cloth, $3.75; 'i'nrkey morocco, $9.00; tree calf, $9.00; English seal style, $7.00. The new volume is akin to the former triumphs of this favorite artist, whose " Sketch Hooks " have achieved a popularity unequalled in the history of fine art publications. In the profusion of designs, originality, and delicacy of treatment, the channing sketches of mountain, meadow, lake, and forest scenery of New England here reproduced are unexcelled. After the wealth of illustration which this student of nature has poured into the lap of art, to pro- duce a volume in which there is no deterioration of power or beauty, but, if possible, increased strength and enlargement of ideas, gives assurance that the ■oremost female artist in America will hold the hearts of her legion of admirers. NATURE'S HALLELUJAH. Presented in a series of nearly fifty fidl-p.nge original illustrations (y!4 x r4 inches), engraved on wood by Geokc.;k T. Andkew. Elegantly bound in gold cloth, full gilt, gilt edges, $6.00; Turkey morocco, $12 00; tree calf, $12.00; English seal style, $10.00. This volume has won the most cordial praise on both sides of the water. Mr. I'rancis H. Underwood, U. S. Consul at Glasgow, v.'rites concerning it: " I have never seen anything superior, if equal, to the delicacy and finish of the engravings, and the perfection of the press-work. The copy you sent me has been looked over with evident and unfeigned delight by many people of artistic taste. Every one frankly says, ' It is impossible to produce such effects here," and, whether it is possible or not, I am sure it is ;/()/ t/oiif ; no such effects are produced on this side of the Atlantic. In this combination of art and workmanship, the United States leads the world; and yon have a right to be proud of the honor of presenting such a specimen to the public." ONE YEAR'S SKETCH BOOK. Containing forty-six full- page original illustrations, engraved on wood by Andrew; in same bindings and at sa;ne prices as " Nature's Hallelujah." " P.very thick, creamy page is embellished by some gems of art. Sometimes it is but a da^h and a few trembling strokes; at others an impressive landscape, but in all and through all runs the master touch. Miss Jerome has the genius of an -Angclo, and the execution of a Guido. The beauty of the sketches will be apparent to all, having been taken from our unrivalled New England scenery." — iVasht'iigton Chronicle. THE MESSAGE OF THE BLUEBI RD, Told to Me to Tell to Others. Original illustrations engraved on wood by Andkkw. Cloth and gold, $2.00; palatine boards, ribbon ornaments, $1.00. " In its new bindings is one of the daintiest combinations of song and illus- tration ever published, exhibiting in a marked degree the fine poetic taste and wonderfully artistic touch which render this author's works so popular. The pictures arc exquisite, and the verses exceedingly graceful, appealing to the highest sensibilities. The little volume ranks among the choicest of holiday souvenirs, and is beautiful and pleasing." — Boston Tramcript. Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of prico LEE AND SHEPAED Publishers Boston