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" Miss Douglas's Novels are all woitli iciulini;, and this is one full of Buggestious.iuteresUng situation,-*, and bright dialogue." — Cottage IleuHh.. OUT OF THE WK::CK; or, Was it a Victory? " Bright and entertaining as Miss Douglas's stories always are, this, her new one, leads thorn all." — Xi'io Bed/urd Stundard. FLOYD GRANDON'S HONOR. " Fascinating throughout, and worthy of the reputation of the author." TVHOM KATHIE MARRIED. Kathio was the heroine of tlie popular series of Kalhie Stories fer young people, the readers of which were very anxious to know with whom Kutu;e settled down in Uie. lleuce this story, charmingly written. LOST IN A GREAT CITY. "There are the power of delineation and robustness of expression that would credit a masculine haud in the present volume. THE OLD WOMAN W^HO LIVED IN A SHOE. " The romances of Miss Douglas's creation are all thrillingly interest- teg." — Cambridge Tribune. HOPE MILLS; or. Between Frlenfi ami Sweetheart. " Amanda Douglas is one of Jhe favorite authors of American novel- Peaders." — Manche.itcr JJinr. FROM HAND TO MOUTH. '•There is real satisfaction in reading this book, from the fact that wo tan so readily 'take it home' to ourselves." — Portland Argus. NELLY KINNARD'S KINGDOM. "The Hartford Religious Herald " says, " This story is so fascinating, that one can 'aardly lay it down after taking it up." IN TRUST; or, Dr. Bertrand's Household. " She writes in a free, fresh and natural way, and her characters ara lever overdrawn." — Manchester Mirror. CLAUDIA. "The plot Is very dramatic, and Ihn denouement sXSirWvaf^. Claudia, the heroine, is one of those 8elf-?acriticing characters which it is the glory of the female sex to produce." — Boston Journal. STEPHEN DANE. " This is one of this author's hapi)ie8t and most successful attemi)ts at novel-writing, for which a grateful public will applaud her." — Uer-ald. HOME NOOK; or, Tlio Crown of Duty. " An interesting story of home-life, not wanting in incident, and writ- ten ia forcible and attractive style." — New York Grajihic. SYDNTE ADRIANCE; or, Tryinij the AVorld. " The works of Mis-i Douglas have stood the test of popular judgment, and become the fashion. SEVEN DAUGHTERS. The charm of the story is the perfectly natural and home-like air which pervades it. THK rORTUNES OV THE FARADW^ "Of unexoo.^iionab'e literai-y nii'rit, deeply interesting in the develop, meut of the plot." — FuU Uiier Ni'cs. FOE.s; OF HER HOUSEHOLD "Full of inlercat Iroiii the fust chapter to the end." Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail, post-paid, on receip^of price. LEE AND SHEPAFiD, PUBLISHERS. BOSTON.