Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/16

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It now only remains for me to add, that the Map annexed to the First Volume, though compiled from very incorrect data, (there being few even of the principal places in New Spain, the latitude and longitude of which have, as yet, been exactly fixed,) will be found to be of use in many essential points.

It gives the new territorial division of the country into States, with the names of the "Partidos," or districts into which those States are divided; and it likewise rectifies many local errors, both in the Central, and Northern, Provinces; Colonel Bourn, a gentleman recently returned from Sonora and Cinaloa, having been so obliging as to furnish me with a great deal of valuable statistical information respecting those States.

In the Map of Routes, attached to the Second Volume, I have to express my obligations to Mr. Beaufoy, for the assistance, which he has afforded me, by

furnishing me with a copy of his routes, in the vicinity of the Capital, and from thence to Tampico, and Veracruz. With the exception of the expedition to the South of Valladolid, we both passed over the same ground; but it will be seen, that in my journey North, where I had nothing but my own remarks to guide me, I have been unable to enter into as many details