Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/253

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MEXICO. 215 States, and combine two or more States into one, at the re- quest of their respective Legislatures, and with the consent of a majority of two-thirds in each, as well as in the general Congress. To regulate the outlay of the country, and provide for it by taxes, imposts, and duties ; to superintend the mode of collecting these, and to examine annually the Government accounts. To borrow money on the credit of the Federation, and give security for its payment. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and between the several States, and with the Indian tribes. To give instructions for the formation of a Concordat with the Holy See ; to approve this Concordat for ratification, and to regulate the exercise of the right of Patronage throughout the Federation. To approve all treaties of Peace, Alliance, &c. with Foreign powers. To open ports to foreign trade, and establish custom- houses. To fix the weight, standard, and value of money through- out the Federation, and to adopt one uniform system of weights and measures.. To declare war ; grant letters of marque ; determine prize- cases ; designate the armed force of the country by sea and by land, fix the Contingent of each State, and make regula- tions for the government of the land and naval forces. To permit or refuse the entry of Foreign troops into the territory, or of a Foreign squadron into the harbours of the Republic. To create or suppress public offices, and increase or dimi- nish the salaries attached to them. To concede recompenses to Corporations or to individuals who have rendered services to the country, and to decree public honours to their memory.