Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/26

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View of Mexico from the Azotea of the House of His Majesty's Mission at San Cosme Frontispiece.
Agave Americana, or Maguey Page 42
The Cañada de Marfil, or Entrance to Guanajuato 121
Puente del Rey 170
Church of N. S. de Guadalupe 242
Map of Mexico, to be inserted at the end of the First Volume, after the Appendix.
View of Jalapa Frontispiece
Chapultepec 47
Chapingo 95
Arrastre 195
Galera of the Hacienda of Salgado 197
Patio of the Hacienda of Salgado 198
Ascent to Catorce 233
Interior of Indian Hut at the Bozal 261
Map of Routes to the principal Mining Districts, to be inserted at the end of the Second Volume.
A Litter 71
Boat 150
A Mexican Coach 173
Entrance to the Socabon (Adit) of La Purisima at Catorce 239
Indian Hut 258