Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/332

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292 MEXICO. Richardson and Co., in 1824, was for the same amount as the first, vix. 3,200,000/. sterhng, bearing interest at six per cent. £. i-. d. It was sold by commission, and produced at 86| . 2,776,000. Deduct £• *• t^- Commission . • 166,560 0-^ Interest on first eighteen months retained . • 288,000 Sinking Fund . • 48,000 Ditto for first loan . 694,000 Contingent Expenses . 8,942 9 3 Money previously advanced with interest . . 200,000 >.1,4,05;502 9 3 Net Produce 1,370,497 10 9 Or dollars 6,852,487. It appears farther, that from this net £■ s. d. produce of ... . 1,370,497 10 9 We must deduct . . . 291,699 5 8 which the house of Barclay has not been able to make good, so that . . 1,078,798 5 1 or 5,393,991 dollars, will be in reality, found to be the only portion of the second loan, that has been applied to the in- ternal wants of Mexico, during the last three years.* Of the mode in which this has been expended, nothing certain can be known, until the accounts of the last two years are laid in detail before the Congress : much has been said of injudicious expenditure; and it is by no means im- probable, that in this respect, a sudden command of money may have produced its usual effects ; but some good has at

  • It has been remarked to me that the above is an ex parte statement,

and that the house of Barclay may have claims upon Mexico sufficient in their amount to balance the deficiency in their remittances upon the Loan account. Of this I cannot judge. I merely lay before my readers a statement, officially promulgated by the Mexican Government, for the correctness of which it is responsible. If this statement be erroneous, it is open to contradiction, and ought to be publicly contradicted by the parties themselves.