Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/351

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MEXICO. 311 Dollars. In Gold and Silver .... 27,825,504 In Cochineal . . . . 2,043,480 In Sugar . . . . 554,652 30,423,636 The direct Imports in the same time were . 19,202,912 Exports and Imports . . . 49,626,548 The remainder of the direct trade was distri- buted amongst the years 1817, 1818, and 1820, when it amounted to . . . . 4,638,546 Total of direct trade . . . 54,265,094 The average annual value of the commerce of Veracruz, appears, by the foregoing statement, to have been : Exports. Precious Metals .... 8,391,088 Other Produce . . . . 2,790,280 11,181,368 Imports. European Manufactures and Produce . 8,977?^^^ American Produce .... 1,386,352 10,364,237 Total Imports and Exports . . . 21,545,606 Of the Imports, four-tenths were the produce or manufac- tures of Old Spain and her Colonies, and the remaining six- tenths were the manufactures of other European countries,