Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/364

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324 MEXICO. four last months of 1823, in order to ascertain the real amount of the commerce of Mexico during that year ; and this I have found it irnpossible to procure. In 1826, an account was published of the trade of Alvarado in 1824, by which it appears that the total amount of the Im- ports and Exports was, dollars . . 15,158,941 The imports were .... 11,058,291 viz. : — Coasting Trade .... 284,087 American Produce . . . . 878,737 European Produce in American bottoms, principally through Cuba, and Yiicatan, 3,481,831 European Imports direct . . . 6,413,636 Total Imports . 11,058,291 The, Exports of 1824 were, in all, 4,098,650 dollars. The direct importation from Europe, at Veracruz, during the same period, was dollars . . 1,023,739 The Exports .... 593,907 Total Trade of Veracruz in 1824, 1,617,646 2,423,019 dollars of the 4,098,650 dollars to which the Exports from Alvarado amounted, were in silver, coined or wrought ; as were 431,130 of the 593,907 dollars, exported through Veracruz. The total amount of the Exports and Imports in the year, of the two ports, was 16,77'^j587 dollars, viz. : — Total amount of Imports at Alvarado and Veracruz . . . 12,082,030 Total Exports . . . . 4,692,557 16,774,587