Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/404

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364 MEXICO. By the annexed Table, (No. 1,) it appears that the regis- tered Coinage of the Mint of Mexico, from the year 1796 to the year 1810, (inclusive,) amounted to 342,114,285 dol- lars ; which gives an average of 22,807,619 dollars for each year. To this I should add for Silver, (registered and unregis- tered,) not coined, 1,192,381 dollars ; thus giving Twenty- four millions of dollars as the whole annual average Produce of the Mines of Mexico during the fifteen years immediately preceding the Revolution of 1810. The registered exportation from Veracruz, during the same period, on the account of the merchants, was, according to the Balanza General, or Annual Report of the Consulado of Veracruz, Dollars. To Spain (in fifteen years) . . 91,340,275 To Spanish America . . . 22,251,822 To Foreign Countries direct, in 1806-7-8, and9 . . . . . 27,892,903 Total . 141,485,000 The average Commercial exportation, therefore, to the East, in the fifteen years, would be 9,432,333 dollars, 2 reals.* The exports of the Royal Treasury (not included in the Balanza General) are not to be ascertained by any recent do- cument ; I have, therefore, been forced to take as the basis of my present calculation, Humboldfs Table of the exports

  • The Average of Commei'cial Exports given here dilFers from that

given in the analysis of the Balanza General, in the last Section of the preceding Book, in as much as the calculation there embraces a term of twenty-five years; while here it only comprehends fifteen years, and ends exactly at the time when the registered commercial exports began to decrease.