Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/477

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MEXICO. (I827,) the silver reduced in the Haciendas of the Company amounted to 54,964 dollars.* The want of records of former produce has prevented Mr. de Rivafinoli, the Director of the Tlalpujahua Company, from hazarding any calculation, as to the probable amount of the produce of the mines belonging to that Association. He stated, however, in a Report, dated September 1826, that, from the 1st of January 1827, he expected to be ena- bled to cover his expenses, and to pay an interest of ten per cent, upon the capital invested, then amounting to 160,000/. These hopes have not been realized up to the present mo- ment, accidental delays having occurred, as in every other Association ; but, from the forward state of the preparatory works, the admirable system introduced at Tlalpujahua, and the great promise of some of the ores that have been raised, I am inclined to think that the year 1828 will not elapse with- out Mr. Rivafinoli's expectations being fulfilled ; while I see great reason to hope that, during the two subsequent years of 1829 and 1830, a large portion of the capital invested will be repaid. The Directors of the " Mexican Mining Company," having neither given to the world a statement of the amount of the capital laid out by them, nor published any documents with regard to the former produce of their mines, I can make no calculation whatever as to the amount which may be expected to be derived from them. The Directors, however, stated, in their communications with me, that, both at Sumoloacan, (near Perote,) and in Oaxaca, the mines actually working by the Company were in full produce : that, at the first place, they considered the quantity of ore on hand as fully equal to the expenditure; and that, although this was not yet the

  • I have no returns of the former produce of any of the mines worked

by the Anglo-Mexican Association, with the exception of the Valenciana, which will be found in Tables Nos. 2 and 3.