Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/525

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M EXICO. 485 GENERAL TABLE OF COINAGE IN MEXICO. The Mint of the Capital was established in 1535. Until the year 1 733, when it was placed under the direction of the Go- vernment, there are no Returns. From 1733 to June 1826, the registered Coinage is :— Dollars. In Gold . . 63,365,406") In Silver . . l,318,853,13oi 1,382,218,536 3

GUANAJUATO. From Dec. 1812, to May 15, ^ 1813 .... 311,125 1 From April 1821, to June i • 3,024,194

1826 . . . .2,713,069^ ZACATECAS. From Nov. 24, 1810, to June 1826 32,108,185 1 6 GUADALAJARA. From 1812, to June 1826, In Gold . . 225,632 i In Silver . . 5,433,527 7 9 . 5,659,159 7 9 DURANGO, From 1811, to June 1826 . 7,483,626 4

CHIHUAHUA. From 1811 to 1814, when the Mint was suppressed ..... 3,603,660

SOMBRERETE. From Oct. 16, 1810, to July 16, 1811, when the Mint was suppressed 1,561,249 2

Total . . 1,435,658,611 2 3