Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/27

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to the East, in the fifteen years, would be 9,432,333 dollars, 2 reals.[1]

The Exports of the Royal Treasury (not included in the Balanza General,) are not to be ascertained by any recent document; I have, therefore, been forced to take as the basis of my present calculation, Humboldt's Table of the Exports on the King's account, to Spain, and to the Spanish Colonies, during a term of thirteen years, (from 1779 to 1791,)[2] which gives 108,428,677 dollars as the Total, or 8,340,667 dollars, 3 reals, as the annual average amount of each of the thirteen years.

To these, again, must be added 2,000,000, or 2,500,000 dollars, as the annual amount of illicit extraction by those engaged in the smuggling trade; most of the articles thus introduced being paid for in specie upon the spot.

The total annual Exports appear, therefore, to have been:

From Veracruz Dollars. Rs.
On Merchant's account 9,432,333 2
On King's account 8,340,667 3
————— ——
Carried forward 17,773,000 5
  1. The Average of Commercial Exports given here differs from that given in the Analysis of the Balanza General, in the last Section of the preceding Book, in as much as the calculation there embraces a term of twenty-five years; while here it only comprehends fifteen years, and ends exactly at the time when the registered commercial Exports began to decrease.
  2. Vide Essai Politique, Book V. Chapter XII. page 444, 8vo edition.