Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/355

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mand of more iron, than the largest establishment that it is possible for them to form can require.

The Anglo-Mexican Company had likewise denounced several shafts, but will probably give them up with the rest of the establishment at Zimapan.

The mountain upon which these Mines are situated, appears to be one mass of Iron ore, so rich as to contain 75, and even 85 per cent, of pure Iron, apparently of a very fine quality, and possessing great magnetic powers.

The rock is principally marble and kalkspath, being (as I am informed), similar, in almost every respect, to the famous Swedish Iron mines at Danemora. The Mexican ore is, however, so rich, that a flux will be required in order to smelt it, and some difficulty is apprehended upon that account. The German Company has sent to Silesia for fifty men acquainted with Iron works, and they intend to establish a foundery near the Encarnacion, upon a very large scale. It is impossible to select a spot more favourable, in most respects, for such an undertaking. There is an abundant supply of water, and the vegetation, with which the whole Cordillera is covered, is superior to any thing that I have yet seen in the New World. There is an amazing variety of forest trees. We observed ten different species of Oak, with Ocotes, and Oyamels, (Pines, excellent for fuel,) and magnifient Limes, covering an extent of country as far as the eye could reach. Provisions were scarce, but a Mining establishment,