Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/623

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ten times as much ground as they can possibly require, there is little reason to fear an interruption of the good understanding, which at present prevails.

I shall close my observations upon Upper Sonora with one more remark. Although there is no part of the country in which there are so many Creole families of pure Spanish descent, or where old Spanish names so continually recur, (as Moreno, Rodriguez, Fernandez, Espinosa, &c. &c.) Sonora has proved itself to be quite as decided as the Southern and Central Provinces, in the cause of Independence. A great number of the young men who joined the Insurgent armies in 1810, were natives of the North, sons and nephews of the most respectable landed proprietors of the Internal Provinces; and General Victoria himself, whose real name is Fernandez, although he has been induced by the general wish of his countrymen to retain that which he adopted during the war, was, as I have already stated, a native of Tămăsulă, where his family possessed considerable property. If there are particular spots, (as Alamos, or Rosario,) where other feelings with regard to Spain are thought to prevail, it is because they are in the hands of old Spaniards, who form, wherever they congregate together in any numbers, a little isolated knot, whose dislike to the present order of things is as evident, as it is innocuous.

The road from Arispe to the Villa del Fuerte, the capital of Cinaloa, runs nearly due South about one hundred and twenty leagues. The principal towns