Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/656

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lenciana mine, we were much amused at the astonishment expressed on seeing her inquire the names of the principal points, and write them down upon the margin of her sketch. "Pinta, y escribe tambien!" (she draws, and writes too!) was the general exclamation; and such an accumulation of talents in the same individual excited universal respect. But at Veta Grande she was surrounded by a sullen and gloomy mob, who purposely put themselves in her way, so as to prevent her from seeing the mines; and were only compelled to give her a little room, by the exertions of Don Rafael Beraza, who mounted his horse, and rode in amongst them until by degrees they were fairly driven back.

They did not quit the scene of action, however, without honouring us repeatedly with the appellation of Judios, (Jews); and two days afterwards, when we took our leave of the town altogether, and commenced our journey towards Guadalajara, so violent a spirit of hostility towards us was displayed, that we were for some moments apprehensive that we must have had recourse to fire-arms in self-defence. There was a great crowd in the Plaza, before the windows, where the market was held; and this increased so rapidly, as the prepations for our departure proceeded, that at ten o'clock, when we mounted our horses, there must have been at least six or seven hundred idlers assembled. By these we were received with a volley of hisses and