Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/708

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lenciana mine, (at Guanajuato, and in the North, naturally diverted into other channels the capitals usually invested in mining discoveries.

The question is not, whether there are richer districts than Tlalpujahua, but whether that district, now that capital and science are employed upon it, will repay the labours of those by whom the investment is made? And to this there is every reason to imagine that, within a reasonable time, a very satisfactory answer will be given.

On the 19th of January we visited the Hacienda of San Rafael, one of the most ingenious and complete establishments, now existing in Mexico. The stamping wheel has been already described. Its effect was really beautiful, and its construction does the more honour to Mr. Moro, because he persevered in his original plan, notwithstanding the discouraging predictions of those, who pronounced its execution to be impracticable.

There was rather a scanty supply of water when we saw it; but this was an evil not to be guarded against in a year, when the maize crops throughout the country had perished for want of rain.

On the 20th we assisted at the "Bendicion" of a new machine for raising the water in the mine of Arevalo, invented by Mr. Seidenstucker, a German "machiniste," who had already given proofs of much ingenuity in his department, and materially improved the machinery of the Company. In the present instance, by inverting the ordinary mode of