Page:Mexico of the Mexicans.djvu/236

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Mexico of the Mexicans

wont to lurk in true guerilla manner. Soon he got into touch with Zapata, and this alliance was more than Carranza could face. They quickly gained command over the country immediately surrounding Mexico city, and this they conscientiously looted. So serious did the situation become, that at length Carranza consented to a peace convention at Aguas Calientes, which should be attended by delegates from the Carranza, Villa, and Zapata factions, the object being to select a Provisional President satisfactory to all parties. Meanwhile, Carranza evacuated Mexico city; and on Thursday, 11th March, 1915, Zapata entered it for the first time. Zapata had a wonderful reception, people of all classes stopping to shake hands with his men. They sacked several churches and destroyed many magnificent paintings, and in this they were helped by members of the Casa del Obrero Mundial, a society of working men instituted by the Carranzistas, with strong socialistic or anarchistic leanings.

The Aguas Calientes convention duly took place, and Eulalio Gutierrez, a supposed adherent of Carranza, but in reality a tool of Zapata, was chosen Provisional President Gutierrez and
and went to Mexico. Zapata evacuated the city in his favour, but Gutierrez collected 10,000,000 pesos and betook himself to San Luis Potosi to start a revolution of his own there. But late in 1915 he was forced to surrender to the Carranzist army under General Obregon. At the time that Gutierrez had fled Mexico city, the Carranzists heard of his defection before the Zapatistas became aware of it, and took possession of the capital before the bandit leader could get there himself. This, of course, meant constant attacks on the suburbs by Zapata, and Carranza, afraid of his international reputation and really desirous to avoid further bloodshed and looting, consented to a second meeting at Aguas Calientes. On this occasion, Roque Gonzalez Garza, one of Villa's men, was chosen Provisional President. Carranza did his best to keep