Page:Mexico of the Mexicans.djvu/248

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Mexico of the Mexicans

knowledge of both the Mexican Government and his own, is still a clear exposition of the American standpoint. It instanced the many Mexican atrocities and outrages which American citizens had had to endure at Mexican hands, and it talks of the deep disappointment in America at the exhibition of Carranza's inability to check the atrocities occurring on the border. It announced deep surprise that the conduct of Villa should have been condoned by the de facto government, and it instanced the many breaches of faith on the part of Mexico. The Mexican Government wholly denied the statement made in many quarters that it was being in any way influenced by Germany; and, although this may be true as regards Mexican officialdom, it certainly is not so of the Mexican people at large, who are by no means prone to welcome foreigners of any kind to their bosoms. Though, however, there may be no definite evidence of the fact, the finger of suspicion points to the Carranzist Government as the protectors and comforters within its own borders of members of that world-wide organisation founded by German espionage, which looked towards Mexico as an unrivalled base for its operations.

How far the Mexican people are properly instructed regarding the great European conflict from which they are so distantly removed it would be difficult to say. Probably their countrymen who have sought an asylum in the United States have realised the true nature of the fight which civilisation is putting up against savagery, but that the great mass of Mexicans have any conception of the true state of affairs is very unlikely. In any case, the nearness and imminent importance of the struggle developing underneath their very eyes is probably sufficient to blunt their interest in or anxiety for the European civilisation.

As Mr. Lansing's Note is interesting, we quote some of its passages—

"The Government of the United States has viewed with