Page:Mexico of the Mexicans.djvu/265

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Galvanez, Antonio, 92
Gambling, 34
Gamboa, Frederico, 76–78
Game, wild, 114
Gardens, floating, 44, 162
Garza, Roque Gonzalez, 200, 208
Gentleman, the Mexican, 26–27
Gill, Geronimo Antonio, 82
Girl, the Mexican, 27
Goitia, Señor, 91
Golf, 113
Great Britain, 17, 188
"Grupo Cientifico," 54, 177, 181, 186, 204, 205
Guadalajara, 123
Guanajuato, 3, 123, 142, 144
Guatamotzin (nephew of Montezuma, and subsequently Emperor of Mexico), 9, 91
Guaymas, town, 117
Guerra, Gabriel, 91, 92
Guerrera Mountains, 196
Guerrero, State of, 128
Gutierrez, Eulalio, 200
————, Rodrigo, 93
Haciendados, 139–140
Haciendas, 117
Half-breeds, 4
Hennequen, 134, 183
Hidalgo (revolutionary leader of 1808), 15, 81
————, State of, 125, 198
Hill, Professor Roscoe R., of the University of Mexico, 204
Hohler, Mr., British Chargé d' Affaires, 201
Hospital de Amor de Dios, 82
Houses, 25–26, 32
Huasteca or Huastecs, 3
Huerta, 192, 197, 198 199, 218
Huichols, 167
Huitzilopochtli (a god of the Mexicans), 5, 6, 9, 99
Human sacrifice, 15
Humboldt, 59, 158
Indians, Mexican, 34, 156–175
Infantry, 56
Inferniello Cañon, 81

Insurrectos, 189
Introductions, 38
Iturbide, Don Augustin, 16
Itzcoatl, 5
Ixtlilxochitl, 72
Izaguirre, Leandro, 82
Iztaccihuatl (mountain), 128
Jalapa, 131
Jalisco, State of, 122, 144, 162
Jara, José, 93
Jardin del Seminario, 91
Jesuits, 99
Jewellery, 10
Jimeno, Raphael, 82
Jiminez, Francisco, 91
Jockey Club, 113
Jordan, Dr. David Starr, American Minister, 203
Journalism, 67–69
Juanacatlan, Falls of, 81
Juarez, 17, 18, 73, 91, 99, 177
Justice, Courts of, 53
Kidnapping, 184
Kingsborough, Lord, 65
Lady, the Mexican, 27, 29, 30
Lancaster, Joseph: his system of education, 59
Lancers, Mexican, 57
Lansing, Mr., U.S. Secretary of State, 212–216
La Patria, newspaper, 67
La Revista Literaria, journal, 69
Las Casas, 159
La Tribuna, newspaper, 68
Lawyers, 30
Leather, 152
Legislation, State, 53
Léon, 124, 152
Leperos, 41
Liberal Party, 63, 180
Limantour, 181–182, 186
Literature, 64–79
Llorente, Enrique C., 208
Lower California, territory of, 52
Maderistas, 193