Page:Mexico under Carranza.djvu/181

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of Receivers, had disposed of the difference, and that the said Board of Receivers has sold at the lowest prices securities considered first class by the bank.

"That on February 15, 1917, the Department of Finance refused to recognize the bank's Board of Directors, refusing to take up any matter connected with the institution with them and ordered that the Board of Receivers liquidate the bank.

"Mention was made of a communication from the Department of Finance in October last year, asking for delivery to the mint of the bars of metal which the bank had in vault and a message from the Sub-Secretary of Finance was annexed, sent from Queretaro to the manager of the bank, categorically stating that the money coined therefrom would be returned to the bank; and it was reported that, notwithstanding this assurance given by the Sub-Secretary of Finance, compliance with this written offer has never been made.

"Finally, it was stated that of 820 silver bars, taken by the government, worth more than a million pesos, national gold, and eighty gold bars worth. 1,840,1 19 pesos, to be coined by the mint, they have returned to the bank, in the breach of the offer made from Queretero by the Sub-Secretary of Finance, only 299,675 pesos for the silver bars and 200,000 pesos for the gold bars, causing the bank a deficit of 2,697,387 pesos."

The foregoing instances of the robbery of foreigners by the government now in power might