Page:Mexico under Carranza.djvu/184

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Inter-Oceanic Railway; British capital;
Mexico Telephone and Telegraph Co.; American capital;
Street Railway of Mexico City; Canadian and American capital;
Railways of Yucatan; British capital;
Mexican Navigation Co.; American capital; Ships under Mexican flag;
The London and Mexico Bank; French and British capital;
The Banco Nacional; French capital.

The railways have been almost entirely wrecked; the capital of the banks has been used for the purposes of the Carranza government and not one cent has been paid, or any effort made to pay one cent, to the owners of these properties although they have, for years, had neither use of the properties nor income therefrom.

Thus, we see that Mexico is in the grasp of men who have sacrificed, and are continuing to sacrifice, the welfare of the country for the opportunity to secure by looting the immediate dollar. It is nothing to these men that a great coal company, producing a vital necessity of the industrial and economic life of Mexico should have been wrecked because they were disappointed in not having been able to rob the management of that company of 100,000 pesos. It is nothing to them that a great irrigation enterprise, that would have created