Page:Mexico under Carranza.djvu/26

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"Having been in personal contact with both factions, I believe that it would be a crime to turn loose this some 200,000 bandits, thieves, and scapegoats on the country. They are rotten with disease and have been divorced from all ideas of ever working again."

It is well to bear in mind that tie authors of tie foregoing statements lave no financial interest in Mexico. They were made by tie representatives of tie Red Cross, whom Carranza banished because he did not wish the world to know through them the desperate condition to which he had brought his country.

In a speech made in the Senate of the United States June 2, 1916, Senator Fall, of New Mexico, stated that records on file in the Department of State showed that, at the very time when our Red Cross was feeding 26,000 families a day in Mexico City, the capital of the nation,

"Venustiano Carranza himself, or through adherents, shipped 37,000 tons of food stuffs through the port of Vera Cruz alone and got the golden dollars for it and put them in his pocket.

"I myself saw three carloads of potatoes, the last shipped out from the Guerrero District by Mexican officials and sold at El Paso, Texas, to put gold into their own pockets, while the people who raised these potatoes were living on roots or dying of starvation. If our Government does not know