Page:Mexico under Carranza.djvu/69

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"I should appreciate it if you could find it possible to communicate this information to General Carranza at your earliest convenience.

"Very sincerely yours,
"Robert Lansing."

The foregoing correspondence between Mr. Arredondo, the agent of the Carranza revolutionists at Washington, and our Secretary of State plainly shows two things:

First, that our Government, trusting in the pledges contained in the communications of Mr. Arredondo to it and in the various declarations of General Carranza, conferred upon the constitutionalist revolutionary party, headed by General Carranza, recognition as "the de facto government of Mexico of which General Venustiano Carranza is the chief executive."

Second, that when the Secretary of State in his letter to the President referred, in paragraphs 6 and 7 of that letter, to Mr. Arredondo's letters of October 7, 1915, and October 8, 1915, with annexes quoted from, he intended that those should be accepted as an answer to the inquiries appearing in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Senate resolution, as to what assurances had been received from the Mexican Government regarding the payment of damages for injury to the life or property of American citizens; the protection of