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President Donald J. Trump
The Honorable James Mattis
The Honorable James Comey
Page 2

I cannot recall any time in our nation’s history when the President selected as his National Security Advisor someone who violated the Constitution by accepting tens of thousands of dollars from an agent of a global adversary that attacked our democracy. I also cannot recall a time when the President and his top advisers seemed so disinterested in the truth about that individual’s work on behalf of foreign nations—whether due to willful ignorance or knowing indifference.
In order to investigate what was known about General Flynn’s activities when he entered the White House in January, I am writing to request information about whether General Flynn fully disclosed—as part of the security clearance and vetting process for his return to government—his communications with Russian agents, Turkish agents, and other foreign agents, as well as his payments from foreign sources. I also request that the Defense Department initiate steps to recover all foreign funds accepted by General Flynn in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

General Flynn’s Public Statements

During an interview with Yahoo News on July 18, 2016, General Flynn admitted for the first time that he was paid for his trip to Moscow, but he dissembled regarding the source of those funds:

Q: Were you paid for that event?
A: You’d have to ask my—the folks that I went over there to—
Q: Well, I’m asking you. You’d know if you were paid.
A: Yeah, I mean, I went over there as a speaking event. It was a speaking event.
Q: And—
A: What difference does that make? Does somebody go, “Oh, he was paid by the Russians!”?
Q: Well, Donald Trump has made a lot of the fact that Hillary Clinton has taken money from Wall Street——
A: Yeah, I didn‘t take any money from Russia, if that’s what you’re asking me.
Q: Well then, who paid you?
A: My Speakers’ bureau. Ask them.[1]

On August 15, 2016, General Flynn continued to refuse to disclose the amount or source of these funds during an interview with the Washington Post:
Q: Tell me about the RT relationship?
A: I was asked by my speaker’s bureau, LAI. I do public speaking. It was in Russia. It was a paid speaking opportunity. I get paid so much. The speaker’s bureau got paid so much, based on our contract.

  1. Top Trump Adviser Defends Payment for Russia Speaking Engagement, Yahoo News (July 18, 2016) (online at