Page:Michael Velli - Manual For Revolutionary Leaders - 2nd Ed.djvu/110

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were saturated with the doctrine that once reason is silent and force has the ultimate decision, the best weapon of defense is found in the attack; and that our troop of supervisors has to be preceded by the reputation that it is not a debating dub but a fighting community, determined for the utmost. —The building of such a movement requires an all-out, ruthless and determined struggle against both the opportunists-revisionists who would lead the movement away from revolutionary struggle down pacifist lines, and against the populists who would lead it away from struggle by scorning the masses.

Now that we have technically well-trained Bolshevik cadres, the role of wrecker is played not by openly alien people, but by people who possess party cards and enjoy all the rights of party members. People who have accidentally acquired party cards publicly ask,—"Was not our original intent to give a new meaning to life? Did we not begin with a sense that bourgeois history and bourgeois interpretations of life had to be transcended? Is not the basic proposition of revolutionary socialist thought that something new is necessary, possible, desired and achievable? Did we not discover ourselves to be radical—then 'revolutionary'—because the tragic limits set for man by capitalist civilization, by capitalist society, could indeed be done away with, gone beyond? Was not the core of our revolutionary experience the discovery that a new life (within us) and a new world (with others) was concretely realizable?"—Now the weakness of our people consists not in technical backwardness but in political carelessness, in blind trust of people who have accidentally acquired party cards, in the absence of check-ups on people not just on the basis of their political declarations but according to the results of their work. Now the key question for us is not the liquidation of the technical backwardness of our cadres, for this has basically already been liquidated, but the liquidation of political carelessness and political trustingness toward wreckers who have accidentally acquired party cards. —The Party must take the lead in building support for the people and their revolutionary leadership and deal with all those who oppose their struggle, even if it be tendencies within our own movement, by any means necessary. —Whether 'right' or 'left' in form, these Trotskyite organizations act as wreckers. They do not put the needs of the people in first place, do not serve the people, but parasitically attach themselves to people's movements to promote their organizations at the expense of the struggle. Marxist-Leninists should not be confused with wreckers. —The Trotskyites and Bukharinites, that is to say, the 'bloc of Rights and Trotskyites,' the leading lights of which are now in the prisoners' dock, is not a